fact, we are in the process of drawing up plans for the formation of chapters in Los Angeles, New York City and the New England states (if desirable). We have not had enough response in other areas to warrant chapters at this time. And besides, this is quite an undertaking in itself for the time being.
Those in Los Angeles who are interested
we are asking to write to us immediately. A few of us are planning to be in Los Angeles for ONE's Mid-Winter Institute at the end of January. This would en ble us to meet with you at that time and discuss the prospects.
Helen Sanders, publications director of the DOB, will be moving to Los Angeles next year. And after a suitable time for getting settled in her new home, she will be available to help organize a Los Angeles Chapter.
Those in these areas have a little more time in which to correspond with us. Several members of the Daughters are planning to attend the Mattachine Convention over Labor Day weekend in 1958 at New York City. Some will spend their two-week vacations in the area and should have ample time (between sight-seeing excursions) to discuss possibilities for a chapter or chapters in the
Won't you please write? Tell us why you are particularly interested in the Daughters of Bilitis? What activities are of most interest to you? What are your talents? How can you help us? How can we help you? The more information you can give us, the better able we will be to make effective plans. Certainly any comments or sugges= tions regarding our present program would be welcome. Write to the Daughters of Bilitis, 693 Mission St., Rm. 308, San Francisco 5, Calif.
-Del Martin, Pres.